Jens Winberg
A couple of minutes old

I was born Wednesday 31. July 2002, 02:52 am, in Ilmtalklinik, Pfaffenhofen (Bavaria - Bayern). In this picture I am only a couple of minutes old.

My full name is Jens Roger Winberg.
Birth weight: 3.540 kg, length: 51 cm

On Friday, 2. August, my mother and I came home from the hospital. I am now sleeping and eating most of the time.

Below are some pictures from my first minutes, hours and days,
and here you can find more more pictures.
(The poor quality of some of them is because they are copied from a video. My dad has promised to add better pictures when they are ready)

First minute
First minute

Jens with the family
My brothers are visiting me in the hospital

Jens in the car seat
2.5 days old, ready for going home

Jens on the table
2.5 days old, first cloth change at home

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